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Our latest blogs from
Just being Jill

3 min read
The Power of our Thoughts
When we look back on the timeline of our lives, it is often amazing to see the seasons of change that have taken place. Change is always...

4 min read
Honoring Boundaries
This past week has been a week. I mean a real doozy. And for the first time ever, a boundary I had created and set a while back was put...

4 min read
What's YOUR Love Language?
Do you love your partner like crazy but find that sometimes things feel stale? Do you wish you could feel the spark that was there at the...

3 min read
On Living Out Loud
Last March, I bravely hit the "publish" button to make my website go “live” for the very first time. My designs and ideas were far from...

3 min read
The Thing about Forgiveness
Forgiveness: It's a mighty big word. With big implications. Sometimes misunderstood or misused. Difficult to swallow. And often...

5 min read
Embracing the Chaos
How has living through the pandemic changed you? What are your challenges? Has it brought you any blessings? Read on to hear my thoughts...
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4 min read
Why (most) Women Do It
If you have a side hustle or are thinking about starting one, check out this blog for inspiration on finding "your" people!
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4 min read
3 Things Cancer Taught Me
With every storm, comes a clearing. While we wait for it to end, we have the choice to look for the beauty it might possess. Or, of...

3 min read
Tasting our Words
If there were a better place to live and exist... where happiness and optimism ruled... and it was completely free and accessible to...

6 min read
When Life gives us Lemons...
Tuck and roll. A repeated theme throughout my life. Maybe you can relate? We have our mind set on how it should go. We have a crystal...
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4 min read
The Power of a Book...
Do you remember way back in the late 1990's when there was a game called "Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon?" It was based on the theory of...

5 min read
Who is YOUR champion?
In every person's life, there is a human who made a positive impact so profound... that they will never forget them. Think of yours. Go...

4 min read
To Mother, with love...
Today, In honor of Mother's Day, I've decided to write a post dedicated to all the women out there who are mothers. And I am not just...

3 min read
Time to fly...
I had always assumed that I was going to be one of those "empty nesters." The type of mother and wife that would cling to the wheel of...

2 min read
No time like the present...
I still feel as if I have to pinch myself daily when facing the reality of life during a pandemic. One minute I am embracing the pause...

2 min read
Sights & Smells of Easter time...
I would love to say that I am the person responsible for carrying on family tradition but that would be a lie. Most of our family...

2 min read
This little light of mine...
I debated whether or not to write anything related to the pandemic. After all, I feel we could all use a break from hearing about it...
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