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Check this Out!


My Podcast Debut!


I was selected to be coached by 

THE Jen Sincero on her newest book, 

Badass Habits

(I come in at about 21 minutes...)


Jill is someone who took her traumatic upbringing and went from victim to warrior. She now teaches others to do the same. She is known for her ability to take massive action in her life, and she lives and breathes her lessons of triumph and overcoming adversity to teach others to live out loud and step into their greatness. She is a dynamic speaker with a powerful story of her own road to self-worth and owning her power.


~ Kim Strobel, motivational speaker, consultant, and happiness coach


"I sat down with Jill Krzyzanowicz, an author, teacher, and empowerment mentor. Her newly released self-help memoir, When the Apple Falls Far from the Tree, outlines her lifelong journey in discovering the tools she used to thrive along the way.

In this episode, Jill and I discussed:"


* What does Exploring the Seasons of Life mean?

* A sobriety journey that prompted a spiritual awakening.

* Jill shares in the belief that when you are loyal to yourself and taking care of yourself and meeting all of your own needs, you are then able to give to the world in service as your full and most purposeful self.

* Jill’s morning ritual is like her magic Power Hour.


Blog Testimonials

Thank you for your honesty, I have so many plan B, but today I refer to them as plan G, Gods plan, this sure didn't happen overnight, 20+ years in Alanon taught me to embrace plan G, and I am glad I have because it always turns out way better than A, when I let go and let God. 
-Blessings Pam
I agree this is definitely a great inspiration. I am such a procrastinator and have been in a slump since March. This is the 1st day of a new month, and I am going to attack 2 new goals, reading and eating better!!! Thanks Jill, so glad I came across you on instagram :)
-Melody Ann​
You are truly an inspiration. I am looking forward to your book release, how exciting not only for you and your family, but for our community!!
"Aim for the sky, but move very slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete."
-Chanda Kochhar
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