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3 Simple Ways to Welcome in the New Year

Holy. Freaking. Cow. We are already into December! I don’t know about you… but I can hardly believe how fast time is passing by. You would think with a pandemic still in full force that the hands of time would feel stuck or at least slowed down. For me, this has absolutely NOT been the case.

Can you hear it? Can you feel it? It’s the buzz that comes with an approaching new year.

Or maybe you have noticed the vibes and emotions are a bit different than they have been in past years. I’ve got a feeling we are not going to feel the release that we are all hoping for come midnight on December 31st.

“I can’t wait for this year to end.” Or, “I can’t wait for 2021 to hurry up and get here.” Some of the words I have been hearing from those anxiously awaiting a clean slate on the first day of January. As much as we all want to embrace a fresh new start, we all need to realistically brace ourselves for a different kind of "new" year.

The pandemic will still very much be here dictating our daily lives. The political mess will still be airing itself out in the media. And both of these things are no doubt going to rob us of ringing in the brand new year in our traditional ways. It will feel different. Very different.

But… there is some good news.

We can still look ahead with optimism and an improved vision. And the best part is, it doesn’t take a date on the calendar for awesome shifts to happen. It just takes our thoughts and a burning desire! We are often caught up on waiting for a new week or a new month to get started on something. If you have an inkling to make a shift- the time is now! Right now. Don’t wait for a special day to come along to start making things happen. It's not the date on the calendar that possesses the magic. It's YOU!

This doesn't have to be a long and laborious process either. Overwhelming yourself with unobtainable ideas and goals will likely lead you to more self sabotage. Start simply.

Here are some tips to keep your sanity while making some

improvements as we head into 2021

3 Ways to Enter the New Year with Good Intentions:

Purge. This can look different for everyone. Maybe you need to unleash your closets of loads and loads of clothing or shoes you know you will never wear. Perhaps it might look more like deleting dozens of people from your friends list on social media who do nothing but trigger you daily as you scroll. Maybe it means emptying the kitchen cupboard of endless snacks and treats you succumb to on a daily basis. You choose what area of your life could use an enema and then clean that baby out! There is something joyous and cathartic about treating yourself to a good old purge of things no longer serving you! Even though it is a physical task, it frees your mind of clutter as well. And, don't forget many of the things we purge can be donated to help others in need. (Now you've thrown in a good deed as well!)

Visualize. I think we are all full of amazing ideas! Sometimes we are bombarded with too many of them. Other times we don’t know how to get clear on what is truly an underlying desire for us. Take some time with pen and paper to write out and stare at what it is you truly want for yourself. Looking for a beach getaway? Be specific! What beach? How much will it cost to save for this trip? Who do you want to be there with you? Are you dreaming of a new home? List out the details you are searching for and then settle for nothing less! Getting clear and specific is how we turn our thoughts into actual things! Ambiguity just leads to us prolonging our desires from ever coming to fruition.

Take Action. Enroll in the course. Read the book. Join the online community. Book the trip. Take the plunge! Stop telling yourself you will do it when something else happens first. Invest in YOU! Many of us don't start taking action because we want immediate results. But every little step we take in the direction of our desire tells the Universe we are meant for it. You will have to do some work if you want to get a result. Save some extra money each week. Practice your public speaking skills in an online community of like minded people. Read that self help book you have been putting off and then put those helpful ideas into practice.

If you are looking for a good read to get your motivation sparked, I just finished two very good books on this topic! Two very different reads, with the same exact message: Stop procrastinating and just f#@king do it already! Check them out using the links below! (These are not affiliated links... just recommendations!😉 )

As always, I appreciate your comments and clicking of the heart if you enjoyed this post! 💖 Here's hoping that 2021 will be our best year yet!


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