As we turn the pages on the calendar of 2020 and welcome in 2021, I cannot help but reflect on the hidden gems of the past twelve months. Reflection is necessary if we are to truly be grateful for all that we have or have become.
Like it or not, good and bad things come about with every year that passes us by. While the pandemic has stopped us in our tracks and made us get uncomfortable, it has also taught us a thing or two about our values, beliefs, and resiliency.
What changes have come about in YOUR life since the beginning of the year?
Do you get disheartened because you can't bring your goals to life? Do you wonder why you even bother trying when you know you will just quit anyway? Over the past couple of weeks I have done some pondering and writing about the fruits of 2020 as well as acknowledge ideas and hopes I have for the coming year. There are amazing benefits of jotting these things out before your own eyes. Often we don’t even know what we are truly seeking until we spell it out for ourselves. Like solving a crossword puzzle of sorts. What do we really want? And more importantly... why?
When I look back on the months of 2020 collectively, there is no doubt it is the year of expansion for me. I have changed tremendously over the past 12 months. My habits. My attitude. My commitments. My titles. My people. My outlook. My faith.
It all stems from the amount of personal development I put in over these past 365 days.
How have YOU personally developed over the past year?
Most of us don’t really give much thought to “personal development.” We simply go about our day just like the one before it. We get caught in the cycle of contentment. We know making any changes involves a tremendous amount of effort so we either don’t initiate it or we don't stick with it for the long term. Even though, deep inside, there are changes or desires we truly wish to bring to life.
When suddenly faced with more time at home, I had a choice to make. Spend time surfing the internet and social media aimlessly... or invest my time and energy scrolling through pages and people that sparked my interest and promoted personal growth.
My Gratitude for the 4 C's of 2020
There is an amazing amount of resources available to us at every moment. The internet allows us access to ideas at lightspeed. During the pandemic, many resourceful influencers have shared their content, hosted webinars, and provided pdf’s on just about any topic you can possibly think of. If a free course on something that interested me showed up in my feed or email, I signed up for it! Many of these mini courses or webinars only cost a bit of your time! I did pay for a couple of them, depending on how badly I wanted to acquire the material or information. I began filling binders with notes, printouts, and workbooks that went along with anything I found piqued my interest. Before I knew it, one binder turned into two. Then three, four... you get the picture! Some I committed to completely. Some I printed for future reference. Others may have been only partially completed.
ALL have been eye opening, informative, and beneficial to me personally!

My advice for you as you head into a brand new year is to consider the four things that have changed my life for the better!
Coaching, courses, community, and commitment!
1. Seek out an expert that can show you the way! We often stop ourselves from going after new or better things because we don't know where or how to start. Search for a coach in your desired area of interest! Someone else has likely navigated the path you are on and they can lead you in the right direction. While personal or group coaching can be a costly investment, you can opt to start small with all the free "mini" sessions or webinars available out there! You won't be sorry!
2. Sign up for an online course! Again, there are so many free ones out there! Simply search Google or the social media platform of your choice. You will be led to those who create free content they want to share with the world! And while they may be making a "pitch" to join a bigger program, there is no obligation! And the nuggets and take-aways you acquire may be tremendous!
3. Join online groups and find your community! You would be amazed at how many groups are out there! People with the same interests, questions, and desires as YOU! There is nothing more gratifying than being among people who not only "get" you... but also want to connect. When you join in a community with like minded souls you will feel that you have found your people!
4. The key to making the "C's" work for you is commitment! If you really want something, you will find the time to invest. You will pay for expertise or tools. You will get visible and participate. You will challenge yourself and get uncomfortable. After all, it's your life.
Do you want more of the same? Or are you ready for next level like me?
Let's make 2021 all about moving forward with excitement and not dread.
I challenge you to search out the endless content available to you out there! Sign up for the webinar or class. Print the suggested materials. Make some new connections with like minded people! Do it! Start today! No need to wait for January to roll around!
My wish for you for 2021 is that you find fulfillment in personal development. Pick at least one area and begin investigating! Go make shit happen!
Love this. Boundaries is a big one for many. Myself included. Actual scheduled time in for my writing is a must for the coming year. No more procrastinating and putting it off. The book must be finished. Whatever it is you want for you, you must make time for it! Everyone wins when we fill our own cup first! ❣️
Thank you Jill. Boundaries — I have a difficult time holding the fence up especially with family. I am trying to make my own happiness a priority. I have put so many before me for years and now that I am re-prioritizing some do not like it. Nor do they understand. I have felt guilty for making me happy and putting me first - But I will stay steady. If I don’t care for me how can I connect and care for others? Thank you for your beautiful reminders 💚
Good for you! I've got to start making my health a priority again as well! 👍
Jill, thank you for sharing this. Very inspirational. For 2021 my goal is to focus on living a healthier more active life. Working towards my degree took up all my 'spare' time and my mental and physical health was put on the back burner.
It has taken me until a few weeks ago to put my head up and start virtual therapy so that I can establish boundaries and take time for myself. I have always felt so selfish to say that but life is short and I am tired of being resentful because I would give my time away and then not have time to work on my fiddle or read a book. Boundaries are a super hard goal but your blog is a great and timely reminder. Thanks again.