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Summer State of Mind

I cannot tell you how many times I have complained that another summer has come and gone too quickly. (Time certainly never passes that fast when we are ready for winter to end!) Summer always feels like the blink of an eye. Here one minute and gone the next. At least that seems to be the case here in western New York. And I have to wonder... with the constraints of the pandemic still lingering... what will summer look and feel like this time around?

I really have no business whining. As a school teacher, I will have the summer months off. I am also blessed to live just a mile down the road from the shores of Lake Erie. I cannot imagine life without water nearby. But there is no doubt this summer will still feel different than others. Will it feel just as quick? Or will the void of fairs and concerts make time slow down some? One thing is for certain. I am not willing to sit back and watch it pass me by!

In one more day we will be flipping the calendar over to June. As I looked ahead to see what is coming up, I noticed that my mind immediately started to create a "to-do" list. Goals of cleaning this or goals of organizing that. No wonder I am never able to check off boxes on my summer fun list! How boring and dreadful!

It dawned on me that I really need 2 separate lists when getting into my "summer state of mind." One for things I'd like to accomplish around the house. And one for my actual "summer wish-list!" Without a doubt, the wish-list should be the one I focus on the most. Did I mention I am a list lady? I get extreme pleasure from ticking things off of my daily lists. (Even more so when hubby completes the ones I leave for him!)

Lists are not just useless pieces of paper. They are literally life savers! If you are anything like me... you walk around with endless ideas and thoughts looping through your head. Guess what? You can take that thought "out" of your head and add it to a piece of paper to actually break the looping cycle in your mind! You have now given it a place to rest. A place you can reference when you are good and ready. (Some helpful advice from one of my writing coaches!) Trust me, your brain will be grateful to have one or more ideas picked out of its space and housed elsewhere.

What will your summer Wishlist look like?

Before summer comes and goes for both of us... I challenge you to create a list of summer "must-do's!" Five fun things you absolutely want to accomplish before the fall weather shows up at our door. I am going to do the same. I am even going to include a free PDF (printable) that I created for us. You can use it to write your Top 5 summer wishes with action steps! Remember, when we write our goals and review them daily, we are much more likely to see them through. I don't know about you... but I am all about making shit happen! I promise to make fun memories this summer!

Get creative here. What would you really love to spend your summer doing? Don't talk yourself out of a great idea. If you can't think of anything awesome, check out the suggestions below to spark your imagination!

Oh, and do me a favor! Please comment below and tell me ONE thing you'll commit to do this summer just for fun! (And then go make it happen!)


~Drive In Movie

~Sailing Lessons

~Lay Out Under the Night Stars

~Fly a Kite

~Create a New Cocktail/Mocktail Recipe

~White Water Rafting

~Make Yard Games

~Picnic in a Park

~Golf Lessons

~Horseback Riding

~Tie dye T-shirts

~Bonfire Storytelling

~Ride Bikes

~Paint/Decorate Rocks

~Create a Fairy Garden

~Outdoor Fitness Class

Write out your TOP 5 goals and record two action steps necessary to make them happen!

Click below to PRINT my FREE planning page!

And then share ONE thing you will make happen this summer!


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