Do you remember way back in the late 1990's when there was a game called "Six Degrees to Kevin Bacon?" It was based on the theory of "Six degrees of separation." Wikipedia defines this thinking as, "the idea that all people are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. Also known as the 6 Handshakes rule. As a result, a chain of 'a friend of a friend' statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps."
I bring this up because I wholeheartedly feel that I have been experiencing this lately. With the pandemic still very much governing us, I have obviously not been "meeting" people and making physical connections. Rather, I have been stumbling across new people and feel the connection was prompted by a friend or someone who had inadvertently led me to them. What's even more weird, is that not all these connections are stemming from human discussion. There is no doubt my intuition has been pulling me toward some names I am obviously meant to cross paths with.
Have you ever just looked at a book and instantly known you had to read it?
I am not referring to fiction... although even that genre can elicit life changes and curiosities. I am talking about non-fiction books such as self-help or memoir which are seemingly the only books I am drawn to. You know, the kind of books that make you dig deep. I should confess, I have NEVER been a regular reader per se. Don't get me wrong. I did devour the "Twilight" series when it came out. I also read all three books in the "50 Shades of Grey" series. (Duh! I am a middle aged woman!) I simply am not a relaxed individual. It is a challenge to quiet my mind. So ultimately when I do sit down with a book, I hope to gain something useful from it. My lackluster feelings towards spending time with books changed a little over a year ago however.
What book has been a Game Changer in YOUR life?
These 3 Books were the initial game changers in my life:
~Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
~Girl Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis
~A Happier Hour by Rebecca Weller
I read them in that order. And each opened doors to some serious deep thinking and ultimately life changes. Liz Gilbert taught me to pay attention to the opportunities coming my way. And that there is a "calling" of creativity in each of us. One that will find its way elsewhere if we don't act upon it NOW. Rachel Hollis taught me to stop making excuses that denied me the things I wanted for myself. Reading her book encouraged me to book two separate solo trips to seek my passion across the country. Landing me resources and connections I will forever be grateful for.
But the most influential book I have ever read is A Happier Hour by Rebecca Weller. It came as a recommendation from my best friend. She said that she "saw me" in the main character. And when I read the book... I saw me too. And that is why I joined this author's "90 Day Sobriety Challenge" when I got to the end of the book.
How far will you go to fix what isn't working for you?
What if the answers you seek lie in the pages of a certain book?
I will not be going off on a soapbox to tell you about my sobriety journey. That is post for another time. What I want to stress here is that this particular book is what unlocked, jump-started, or brought about the "6 Degrees" theory I referenced above. These books led me to names. These authors planted seeds in me. As part of the program, I received daily emails for 90 days from Rebecca Weller. Little did I know, that each and every piece of her writing I indulged in, would provide me with a little nudge to look deeper. She shared authors, coaches, pod-casters, bloggers, and the like. Each time I followed her lead, another new book ended up in my hands. And the pages turned faster than I could even keep up with. The profound impact her book made simply did not stop on her last page. It is still guiding and leading me on my path.
I guess my point is this. Make time for the book. I don't care if you say you are not a reader. I most certainly was not. I don't care if you think you only read mushy, gushy romance titles. Go get a book that speaks to you and your personal interests. Set time aside for your growth and curiosity each day, even if it is just a few minutes! Then, let the words pick at the endless possibilities and what-ifs inside your brain. I promise... it's liberating. Exhilarating. And in my case, profound.
I now have a BIG stack of books waiting to be unleashed. I know in my gut they are calling to me for a reason. Lean in. Find the one that calls to you. Trust and have faith that there is always something "more" to explore. Make room in your life to watch it come to fruition. Amazing things can and will happen! Trust me... I am living proof!
